
Feel free to take a look around, please share this if you find it interesting!

First Edit

I really like the way this came out.

Know This Face?

The contrast really made this one.

The Bride To Be

This turned out much better than I thought it would, really glad she was smiling this one

Remember the Rule of Thirds?

I guess softening the outter edges really helped.

Glad I Had my Camera For This

it wasn't until i got home and saw all the detailed artwork that i really started to like it.

Joan of Arc

A gold plated statue in Paris, I remember how awesome I thought it was when I first saw it

Adding Some Emotion

I may have gone a bit far with the sharpness, but i really wanted to bring out particular features. I like the overall though.

One of my Favorites

lucky enough to be at the right place, right time, with a camera in hand

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Lets try it without photoshop

So, in the interest of changing things up a bit. I thought I'd share a pic I've taken (more to come) that hasn't been edited in anyway (not even cropped lol). I guess, sometimes you just get lucky enough to see something awesome, and lucky enough to have a camera on hand. not too bad for a cell phone pic

Sure gives the pic some emotion

So, I missed a post yesterday, got a bit busy. BUT it did allow me some extra time to work on this. I may have gone a bit far with the sharpness, but i really wanted to bring out particular features. I think i like it overall.

Joan of Arc. Gold plated statue in paris

I know this one looks kinda lame, but for me it has more to do with sentimental value. It's really not that great of a final piece, but it was one of the first ones I ever worked on, and i remember being so excited when I finally finished it

Glad i had my camera for this

I didn't think much of this shot while taking it, it wasn't until i got home and saw all the detailed artwork that i really started to like it.

what to do?

I really love what's going on in the pic to begin with, the whole giving away the bride and leaving the family thing.
cant wait to get working on this one.