
Feel free to take a look around, please share this if you find it interesting!

First Edit

I really like the way this came out.

Know This Face?

The contrast really made this one.

The Bride To Be

This turned out much better than I thought it would, really glad she was smiling this one

Remember the Rule of Thirds?

I guess softening the outter edges really helped.

Glad I Had my Camera For This

it wasn't until i got home and saw all the detailed artwork that i really started to like it.

Joan of Arc

A gold plated statue in Paris, I remember how awesome I thought it was when I first saw it

Adding Some Emotion

I may have gone a bit far with the sharpness, but i really wanted to bring out particular features. I like the overall though.

One of my Favorites

lucky enough to be at the right place, right time, with a camera in hand

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I feel like I should send her this

I finished up, and i dont usually like to toot my own horn but.... Also, i really wish she had been holding something better.

The bride to be

okay guys, im seeing alot of potential for this one. i was thinking about most softening features, and adding some more life to the colors. Any other tips?

...And now it looks like its from a horror movie

So, i kept messing around on photoshop and I think I've come up with something cool. I really like the way the details came out on the pic. Let me know what you guys think, let me know if I should've done something better/different?

From the Palace Gardens in France

okay, so lets go again with this game. here's another pic that i think has potential. any idea on what to do with it

First Edit!

so, its nothing professional, but i kinda like the way it came out.

First Post!

Okay, so for the first post, I thought I could use this place for some input. I've been been messing around on photoshop, seeing if i can do anything worthwhile. So, here is the starting image. Soon I will add the finished product after seeing if i can do anything interesting.
I'd appreciate any ideas for another project using this pic.