I think that is a tree that is customized by someone and effects were added after on a computer.
Looks like a sculpture in a park I've been to, nice place.
dude that looks nice!
but wth is up with your header, why would you use that picture for your blog?!
Contrast could be higher
Nice job!
Nice job i cannot photoshop this well.
That looks awesome!
that looks great man!
I like this! it looks nice and sharp and pretty sweet! +fol
You made this in photoshop? Amazing usually you can tell when something is shooped but this looks real!
Lol leet photoshop skillzzz. Followed
its cool but definitely a bit creepy
im excited to see more, however
I really like this, great job :)
That looks great man! I like it!
Great job! I'm impressed, I think I might pick up Photoshop possibly. Is it hard to get into?
maybe some blood from the eyes and some teeth in his mouth?
if i learn to be that good will i be 1337 haxors. lol its great man your really good at shop.
i remember when i learned photoshop, its fun but you gotta practice and memorize a lot of stuff
I think it came out perfect! It looks creepy as hell!(hopefully that was what you were going for..) What steps did you take to get to this?
What the heck is that?
that looks crazy! like one of those plantbabies from harry potter lol
That's crazy. I don't even know what it is.
Anonymous January 7, 2012 at 12:56 PM
wow awesome
Anonymous February 15, 2012 at 10:02 AM
this scares me
That's creepy looking! What is it?